Monday, 2 July 2007

The Lost Art Of Worshi.

A few days ago, I read an article on about psalms and prayer.

The article discussed the narrative arc of the book of Psalms, and how it began with lamentation, and ended in rejoice. How sometimes we aren't "in" prayer and simply going along with the flow due to burdens on our heart, yet we can't express this during worship as it somehow seems ungrateful.

I was so happy to read this.
So many people have told me how "joyful" and beautiful the prayers of Psalms, but honestly, half the time, all I could read was the lamentings and sorrows of David, then the other half was full of joy.

Why is it that all worship in Churches focus on just rejoice? Do we not suffer? Are all days painfree?
I'm guilty of sometimes going through the motions when my heart is not in it. We can rejoice alone or in fellowship, but why do we only lament by ourselves? In solitude? with no one else?

Even David lamented. It would be great to lament in fellowship, to know that I don't have to be in sorrow by myself and that we all suffer for the glory of God. Rather than going through the motions, we can all poor out our sorrows to God in fellowship, this in turn, would help us appreciate each other more and give even more glory to God in our worship, as we can all appreciate the challanges of life together, and understand what God is doing in all our lives.

Sometimes, it's good to go down to the velley together, so we can appreciate how high the mountain is together.

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